About Us
Abhyasa Culture
Organizational Culture refers to the Institutionalization of a group of individuals living and working together with some similar objectives for a common goal. Culture has a "shared meaning” that produces common understanding amongst its members and also distinguishes an organization or group of persons from other groups.
Abhyasa is an organization built on the time-tested foundational strength of India Culture and Ethos, but it also believes that every individual is truly a world citizen and part of the global Human Fraternity-based on the pristine maxim: "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”- "The Earth is a family”!

With rapid commercialization of the education, ‘Institutions of learning’ are today being looked upon as mere factories of mass production – that churn out marks-certificates as an entrance ticket for higher education. The Parent-school relationship too has metamorphosed to be a ‘Customer-service provider’ transaction. Parents are demanding their pound of flesh for the monies being paid to the educational institutions…
In the light of this background it becomes extremely important to underscore the philosophy and the ethos of Abhyasa.The school implores all the parents who wish to admit their child/ward into Abhyasa – to go through the Objectives and Systems enlisted inthis book and appreciate the purpose for which this institution has been established. We expect parents to respect all the rules andregulations of the school in letter and spirit and the management does not allow any interference of the parents in the day to day functioning of the school.

While the school provides comfortable residential facilities, it consciously discourages a snobbish life style and attitudes and encourages simple living and high thinking. At the same time students are taught to be open-minded and not be prejudiced about other races and open cultures. The emphasis is on community living, sharing and caring in a Global Environment.
As same time the school nurtures certain traditional Indian values in the students, right from touching the feet of elders to showing affection towards the younger students.
Abhyasa lays emphasis on inculcating the following attitudes:
- Reverence to parents, teachers and elders.
- Respect towards all religions.
- Trust and co-operation among peers.
- Loyalty towards the Nation and service to Society.
- Faith in one’s conscience and spiritual outlook towards life.

While establishing a shared perceptual framework, we do not seek too much homogeneity or standardization. Plurality and diversity in society need to be acknowledged. Alvin Toffler, the author of "Future Shock”, identified the tendency towards standardization and uniformity as the reason for disintegration of societies. Recognizing permeation of diversity through the social fabric, Abhyasa equips her students with Roots in Our Culture & Wings for their Future, with the following features.
- Co-education: Abhyasa is one of the few Co-educational schools in India which is purely residential in nature and has been established to provide equal opportunities and fair chances to both the sexes – to study and grow up in an emotionally healthy educational system.
- Student-Teacher Interactions: A right balance between formality and informality with personalized attention.
- Inter-Personal Relations: An appropriate balance between independence and inter-dependence.
- Inter-Personal Relations: A good balance between sensitivity towards each other and the courage to face conflicts.
- Discipline: Growth-oriented and effectively balanced with freedom of expression. Abhyasa believes in both internal and external discipline. While it initiates voluntary discipline among students it also formulates systems of external regulation and discipline.
- Dignity of Labor: Students are empowered to serve, to make them understand the value of work – through self-reliance and social service.
- Conservation of Environment: Energy and natural resource conservation is advocated among the students. The school is also No-Smoking and No-Plastic zone.
- Group Dynamics: Right from a pupil to the Principal, a togetherness exists as a single family – with a right balance between love and Respect.
- Leadership & Responsibility: Student learns the qualities of leadership and trained to be self-controlled instead of being controlled. Hence teachers at the primary school act as ‘an authority with love’ and at the secondary level they act as ‘Elder friends who guide’.
- Competition vs Co-operation: Apart from extending co-operation and support to their peers, students are encouraged to compete with teams of others schools.
- Religious Tolerance: The unity and essence of all religions is experienced. Visiting the mosque while celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan month, re-creating the nativity of Christ on Christmas Eve and visiting the church on Christmas Day every year helps and celebrating Indian festivals to achieve religious tolerance.
- Networking: In the new age of Globalization, networks are considered more important than nations. Sharing of knowledge and technology is essential and inevitable. Otherwise, an individual or an organization becomes incompetent or redundant. Hence, Abhyasa is sharing educational technology with several other schools, through exchanges or interactions and remains connected to other ICSE & ISC schools across the country and with IGCSE students and teachers across the world.
Constant Re-Engineering New times call for new organizations. In the new age, the new intellectual market economy is predicted to be merciless. Small organizations will outsmart Giant Corporations.
The modest student strength of 450 and the advantageous Teacher – Student ration of 1:10 has been exclusively designed to make Abhyasa conveniently adapt to changes in the global environment.