Recreation and Sports

"All work and No play-makes Jack a dull boy” – so goes the adage. Recreation is one of the Seven Essential Needs for Human Survival, which many corporate schools and colleges ignore these days. When an institution does not care to organize entertainment activities for its students, they in turn discover un-wanted and un-healthy means of keeping themselves in good humor. Even in Several homes in the metros today, children are addicted to passive entertainment from Television and Internet, making them nothing more than couch potatoes.
Active Entertainment

Abhyasa believes that only when a child actively participates in the entertainment, he/she is happy, healthy, confidant and creative too! The school organizes Sunday picnics and Trekking Camps, apart from Saturday evening Campfire dances and Candle light dinners during the weekends. Students and staff alike set aside their inhibitions of age and status and spontaneously join in the bonhomie, for we at Abhyasa believe that freedom of expression is a part of Personality Development. Only individuals, who have attained inner freedom to express themselves openly, develop the capability of transforming their Society!
Live Radio on Campus
Each day on the campus starts with soothing melodies aired on the Live Campus Radio – ‘Abhyasa Vani’ It begins as early as 5.45 in the morning with ‘Bhakti Sagar’ programme (devotional songs), followed by popular film music during the breaks and dining sessions every day. Interviews are conducted by the student R.Js (Radio Jockeys) of students / staff on their birthdays and of any guests visiting the campus. The system is also used for important announcements for all the staff and students.
Sunday Specialization Classes

Abhyasa recognizes the innate potential of the students from classes IV to IX and has set aside a good three and half hours every Sunday for getting them trained in the vocations identified by the school to develop student skills and aptitudes. Activities, namely Basket Ball, Cricket, Swimming, Athletics, Badminton, Art, Dance, Literature, Music – Vocal & Instrumental, Martial Arts, School Band, Gymnastics, and photography are offered at Abhyasa. Students of classes X and XII spend time in enhancing their skills for facing All-India level Competitive Examinations for entry into various professional courses. The school also facilitates bringing in specialists in various skills/academic subjects to coach the students on Sundays.
Sunday Evening Cinema
Award-winning Hollywood and Bollywood films are screened for all the students in the school Amphitheater. The screening is usually followed by a value-discussion on the film content with the School Director, over a cup of hot coffee. The sessions are therefore not only entertaining, but also enriching.
Moon Light Walks

The cool breeze, the starry sky and a full moon is a perfect setting for long late evening walks after dinner. Small groups of accompanied by their teachers stroll out of the campus into the meadows and the wilderness around. The peace, tranquility and the nostalgia of the moments form an inexplicable experience at Abhyasa.
TV Time
One precious hour at the end of the day for any child is the TV viewing hour, wherein the students can update themselves with happenings around the world by watching the news, or enjoy the fun of a cartoon network show. Cricket matches and other sports events are the most popular among students.
Self Reliance

Self-reliance activities are aimed at promoting ‘Dignity of Labor’ among children. Students are trained to maintain cleanliness of Dormitories, Classrooms and the Campus. They maintain vegetable gardens and help in the kitchen by rolling out chapattis/puris, peeling/sutting vegetables and also setup audio-visual systems for school events. They gain insights into different Work Areas of Life, Self-Help and Survival Skills.
Monthly Parent Visit (Sunday Afternoon)

On Sundays earmarked in the school almanac, the parents of students are invited to visit their child on the campus. Such visits are generally held between 1.00 PM & 5.00 PM and parents are permitted to bring Home Lunch for their child/ward on the campus on the condition that No plastic or garbage is left behind on the Campus. The parents could also interact with the members of the School Administrative Team on any issues pertaining to the child. During these visits parents are also permitted to scrutinize the student’s academic work and other projects undertaken by their child/ward.