Academic Curriculum
Class IV
Opening their minds to new vistas:
The training process begins at the age of 7, when teaching forms strong inner images in the child's mind along with working on the various forms of his/her active artistic creativity.
To facilitate this, class room learning is made enjoyable with multiplication tables learnt with the help of rhythmic walking and skipping; while nature is studied through characteristic gestures and movements of plants and animals. Children learn by imitating everything and everybody.
Smart Classrooms:
Classroom learning is supplemented by impressive 'live and media' observations. Beautiful and powerful images of multi-media presentations navigate the child's mind through a world of fantasy. A smart classroom with plasma television and latest systems connected to a centralized server and supported by able technical staff, an internet access and more than 25000 educational CDs – apart from an Audio-Visual lab with various types of projection facilities, educational video cassettes and satellite television – aid the teaching methodology at Abhyasa.
Lessons appeal to emotions and the child is trained to feel what is learnt – outward acceptance of ideas without inwardly feeling their significance may lead to emotional or even social disturbances in future, when individuals are not trained to filter their thoughts through feelings. Therefore individuals need to develop two minds – One that thinks and the other that feels.
Thoughts and Feelings are powerful partners which will enable children shape their new world!
Class Credits

- Credits for each subject also correspond with the number of learning hours per week.
- SUPW: Socially Useful Productive Work.
For more details on teaching methodology, please refer to the "School Profile" accompanying the prospectus.
- S.A – Spiritual Awareness
- NIE – Newspaper in education.