Students Admission - Terms and Conditions
Rules Governing the Student Screening Process
1. Both parents of the candidate appearing for an Aptitude Test – should be present at the School Campus for an interaction with the School Management. In case, if any one of the Parents is unable to come to the School on the day of Aptitude Test, then a 'No Objection Certificate' by the absentee parent should be submitted to the School - stating that the absentee parent has gone through the 'Abhyasa Hand Book' and the rules & regulations stated herein and that they have "No Objection" to their child joining Abhyasa in the event of the child being granted Admission
2. In the case of a single parent -
- f one/both the parents of the candidates has expired, an attested copy of the Death Certificate has to be submitted along with the student's Registration Form.
- If the parent is a Divorcee, the relevant legal documents regarding the guardianship of the child, visitation rights of parents – must be submitted along with student's Registration Form.
3. It is mandatory for all parents to attend the Orientation Meeting with the Abhyasa Management – conducted on the School campus when the student is attending to the Aptitude Test.
4. The results of the Aptitude Test would be declared during the post lunch session – and the whole process will be complete by 6 pm in the evening. Results would be declared class–wise, and all parents need to come prepared to wait till at least 5 pm until all the formalities are complete.
5. Admission to Abhyasa School is based on merit i.e. performance of the candidate in the oral and written rounds of Aptitude Test – irrespective of his/her caste, creed or community. The School does not accept any Donations / Recommendations for grant of admissions. Parents should note that any such manoeuvres will only lead to the disqualification of the student's application.
6. Parents of a candidate - who is selected for admission, would have to collect the admission letter issued by theSchool Authorities and complete the formalities of acknowledgement at the School office and procurement of uniforms from the vendor, if selected for admission.
7. The School Admission Fee and First Instalment of Annual School Fee has to be paid to the School - within the stipulated time (as mentioned in the letter of admission), failing which the admission would be offered to the candidate who is next in the order of merit in the Aptitude score.
8. Once the fees are paid, the candidate is provisionally admitted to the school and admission of the student to Abhyasa will be complete only after the parents submit – the ‘Original Transfer Certificate' of the child - that is issued by the previous School - to Abhyasa on or before the date of joining the School during the 1st week of June, during any Academic year.
9. If the Transfer Certificate is not submitted at the time of joining Abhyasa, the provisional admission granted to the candidate by Abhyasa will stand cancelled and under such circumstances, the fee already paid by the parents / guardians would not be refunded by the school to the parents.
10. If the selected candidate fails to join Abhyasa School for whatever reasons, after paying the admission fee and 1st instalment of School Fee, the fees already paid to the School – will not be refunded to the parent - the same fee is not transferrable to any other candidate and the un-availed admission does not hold good for the successive academic year/years too.
1. Mode of Payment: All Fees to the School should be paid only through Demand Drafts drawn at Nationalised Banks / International Banks and payable at Hyderabad/Secunderabad only. The Demand Drafts are to be drawn in favour of "Abhyasa Residential Public School" and not any other short form. Cash payments will be accepted only for Prospectus/Application forms and Student Registration for Aptitude test.
2. Parents should ensure that an official ‘Fee Receipt' is immediately obtained from the School for any payment made to Abhyasa (in person either at Campus in Toopran or at Registered Office in Secunderabad). The School is not responsible for remittances made without obtaining an official receipt from the School. Hence Parents are discouraged to send the D.D.'s by Courier or Post. The onus of obtaining a receipt rests solely on the person making payments to the School– Parents/guardians should preserve the receipts obtained from the School.
3. Anusandhaan - the School's web portal regularly updates all fees paid information in each student folder - so that parents are regularly apprised of all latest updates. In case of any discrepancy, the parents should immediately contact the Accounts Department headed by the School Registrar and should also furnish the original fee receipt to the School Authorities to update the records.
4. Any student fees under any category - once paid to the School cannot be refunded to the parents /student under any circumstances - even if the student does not attend the School for a single day.
5.The due dates for the two instalments of Annual School Fee are 1st of April & 1st of October of every academic year. The pay-by dates (last date for payment without late fee) for the aforesaid Instalment s are 15th April and 15th October respectively.
6. Failure to pay any of the two instalments of the Annual School Fee – before the respective pay-by dates – attracts late payment fine of 50/- per day commencing the very next day after the 'pay-by date' of a particular instalment.
7. After the lapse of one month from the pay-by date, if an instalment of a student's Annual School Fee is still unpaid to the School, then admission of the student will be automatically terminated - without giving any notice to the parent. When admission is terminated under such circumstances, the parent also forfeits the positive balance of the pocket money account of the student.
8. Student Pocket Money:
- All Students can obtain stationery, confectionery and toiletry items throughout the year - from the School Tuck Shop - against the ‘pocket money deposit' paid as part of Annual School Fee. Medicines for illnesses and Expenses on Field Trips, Sports Tournaments, Inter-School Cultural Events and Competitions held outside the School campus - will also be debited to the student pocket money account. All expenditure on Transport, Annual School Magazine, Newsletters and Calendar of Events issued to the parents during the academic year and a one-time expenditure on costumes for major cultural events and refreshments served for students during special programmes outside the campus would also be charged to the student pocket money. The parents should ensure that their child effectively utilises the Pocket Money - paid each year by the parent - as the unused positive balance in the account would not be refunded to the student / parent at the time of leaving the School.
- It is found that some of the students are involved in damage or defacing of School propertyand furniture allotted to them, either due to carelessness or indiscipline. To inculcate soft-skills and self discipline among students please note that students will be penalized whenever she / he damages or defaces school property and the appropriate fine will be deducted from their Pocket Money Account.
9. Parents should periodically check the student pocket money account updates on Anusandhan. Any expenditure that exceeds the stipulated pocket money deposits during an academic year (as mentioned in the School Annual Fee Structure for an academic year) must be reimbursed by the parents to the School at the end of every term. Regular updates of expenditure will be visible to the parent in the 'Anusandhan Portal'
10. Total Annual School Fee is subject to yearly review and an annual increase between 10% - 20% is customary every academic year.
11.Please do not offer any tips in cash or kind to any employee on the campus – Any such demands may be reported to the Director/Registrar.
12. Remittances of Second Instalment of School Fee:
- Parents who fail to remit the Second Instalment of Annual School Fee even after the grace period (15th October of every year) should note that their child / ward will not be allowed on the School campus after the first term vacation. Parents should ensure that students should not be sent to the campus unaccompanied, after vacation.
- The School will not accept any part payment of any Instalment - whatever be the reason.
- Any excess pocket money due to the School after a term should be paid immediately along with the 2nd Instalment of Annual School Fee.
13.Abhyasa runs a Free School- ‘Aalingana' on the campus for the under privileged children of Toopran, as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility. Parents who are seeking admission for their child / ward into Abhyasa should understand that the expenses of this project are cross-subsidized from the Annual School Fee paid to the School. The Free School is not treated as a separate Cost Centre and parents should also understand that Abhyasa cannot furnish any details of expenditure on the free School to the parents on demand. All parents willing to admit their child to Abhyasa – therefore involuntarily contribute to the fee school, as part of the Annual Fees paid to Abhyasa and they have no choice over the same.
14.Parents desirous of seeking Income Tax Exemption Certificate from the School, should apply to the school only after clearing the second term Annual School Fee dues, and shall produce the original fee paid receipts issued by the School at the time of seeking the Certificate.
15. Short Messages from School – The School regularly sends messages and reminders to all parents. Parents are therefore advised to:
- Regularly check their mobile phone in-box for SMSs from School. In case you do not receive any message from School for more than a week, immediately lodge a complaint directly with the School Registrar or with the Executive Secretary to the Director through the 'Anusandhaan' Web-portal. Parent should mention the phone number - on the last page of the student registration form - to which all important information and notices from the School should be reaching.
- Parents should not subscribe to DND services that block bulk messages sent from the School.
- Note that in view of the above instructions, the School would not entertain parents claiming that they have not received messages or fee reminders from the School.
16. Definition of Parents who come under N.R.I. fee structure:
- If a child's father or mother is working outside India during the time of admission or even subsequently is on a transfer outside India during the currency of an academic year, such a parent is categorized as an N.R.I parent and he /she is liable to pay the N.R.I. fee towards the Annual School of his/her child/ward studying at Abhyasa.
- Only the parent, who has been sent on a temporary / professional purpose by their employer fee for just a month will be considered to be exempted from the N.R.I.fee. Under such circumstances, the parent need to submit the relevant documents related to nature of temporary assignment abroad and the copies of visa stamping to the School authorities to gain exemption from payment of N.R.I fee.
- In case, a Guardian is responsible for the payment of child/ward's School fee and the guardian / spouse of guardian is working outside India, such a person would also be categorized as an N.R.I and will have to pay the N.R.I. fee to the School.
- All Parents of N.R.I Students should note that the NRI fee ‘may not' include any other special benefits or privileges to the student on the Abhyasa campus.
1.All the newly admitted students need to get the School Uniform stitched by Uniform Supplier authorized by the School. The authorized supplier will be present on the campus on the dates of aptitude test and also on the first day of the academic year.
2. The students other than the new admits can also obtain the cloth from the Uniform Supplier on the date of closing the School and get the required sets, of Uniform as mentioned in the hand book, stitched from a tailor of their choice.
3. The School will not accept any direct payments for the Uniforms. All the payments by the parents towards School Uniforms should be made directly to the uniform supplier either by Demand Draft or by Cash and ensure that the supplier issues a receipt for the same. A copy of the receipt should be filed with the School.
4. The School is not liable / responsible for the untimely delivery of the uniforms by the supplier. It is advisable that parents procure only cloth material from the Supplier during the subsequent years at School.
5. The orders from the parents of newly admitted students will be taken only after the first instalment of the Annual School Fee paid to the School and upon furnishing the 'Student's School Admission Number' to the uniform vendors.
6. The Uniform Supplier will also be available on the School campus on all the days of Aptitude Test for the new admissions held during the months of February, March, April and June and also on all the days of School reopening as well as on the Closing days when the students leave the campus on term-end vacations i.e during October / April.
Rules Governing – Withdrawal of Student from Abhyasa School
- Parents/ Guardians who intend to withdraw their child / ward from the School (except Classes 9 and 11) should apply for a Transfer Certificate (T.C.) during the month of March at the end of an academic year.
- Transfer Certificate will not be issued to students withdrawn after completion of class 9 or class 11 as the candidate is registered for class 10 or Class 12 board examination with the respective examination board.
- The application for Transfer Certificate should be made in the form prescribed by the School by a Parent or the Authorized Guardian of the pupil, along with a processing fee of Rs.150/- The form can be downloaded from the online school portal – Anusandhan.
- Transfer Certificate will be issued to those students whose School fees and dues have been fully paid for the academic year in which the Transfer Certificate is sought.
- Applications for Transfer Certificate will not be accepted after April 1st of any academic year. Parents who apply for a Transfer Certificate after the 15th of April are liable to pay the complete Annual School Fee for the ensuing academic year.
Note:However if fee is not paid by April 15th, of the beginning of any academic year , the admission of a student will be automatically terminated. - Once a student has taken Transfer Certificate and withdrawn from Abhyasa School, if the parent wants to again admit the student back into Abhyasa, the admission will be considered as a fresh admission and the parent has to pay a fresh admission fee of Rs.25,000/- along with Annual School Fee – on par with a fresh admission.
- Abhyasa School Administration Team reserves the absolute right at their discretion, to issue Transfer Certificate to any pupil, if:
- School Administration Team is not satisfied with the general conduct of the student on the campus in terms of discipline, moral and decent behaviour or for instigating other students against the School systems and Values (or)
- If the student is absent from School campus without sanction of leave, for more than a week, during the session/term (or)
- The student is found practicing unfair means in tests and exams (or)
- If the parents/guardians fail to pay the second Instalment of the Annual School Fee by pay-by date (October 15th), the admission of the student is liable to be terminated by the School, without giving any notice to the parent/guardian regarding the same. Under such circumstances, any positive balance in the pocket money account of the student will not be refunded by the School.
- At the end of an academic year, if a parent/guardian fails to pay the first Instalment of Annual School Fee for the promoted class for the ensuing academic year – by the pay-by date of April 15th – the admission would be automatically be terminated and Abhyasa School would issue a Transfer Certificate and mail the same by Registered Post to the parent/guardian of the student. The School is not responsible if the parent / guardian do not receive or accept the registered post.
- If it is discovered at a later date, that any of the information furnished by the parent/guardian in the student registration form and the Medical History sheet – at the time of admission – is false, the School Management has the right to cancel the admission of the student.
- If it is found that the student does not score the qualifying marks for promotion (50% in annual qualifying exams), in spite of the best efforts of his/her teachers, the School Management may terminate the admission of such student, unless the child has learning difficulty certified by Educational Counsellor.
- In matter of admission and issue of "Transfer Certificate", the decision of the School Administration Team is final and binding on the parents/guardians of the student concerned. The School Administration Team consists of the following members:
CEO & Founder Director
Chief Operating Officer
Vice Principal
Rules for Parents :
1. After a new student is admitted into the school, Abhyasa authorities will issue a student photo identity card / student admission card to the parent / guardian of the student - on the day of joining the school. Parents should carry the identity card / admission card while visiting the school and produce the same at the security, as a proof of identity.
2. Any person, other than the parents, desirous of meeting a student on the school campus should also produce the identity card / admission card or an authorization letter from the parents to the school authorities, to meet the child. The school also maintains a list of visitors - authorized by the parent to visit their child on the school campus.
Note:Persons who are not carrying photo ID card or a valid authorization either from the school or from the parents, will not be allowed into the School campus by the security to meet the child.
3. Parents may visit their child/ward only on the Notified Sundays (Twice in a month) during the academic year. The dates for visits would be specified in the calendar of events -a copy of which will be furnished to all parents on the opening day of each academic year. Visiting hours are restricted between 1PM and 5 PM on the specified Sundays. Parents / Guardians visiting on any day other than those prescribed in the calendar, will not be entertained except with prior permission from the school. Parents who would like to visit students on their child's birthday should visit the campus only after obtaining prior permission from the School Registrar / Dean of Administration.
4. Parents and visitors should adhere to the dress code of Abhyasa, while visiting the campus i.e. Women & Girls: Either Sarees or Salwaar suits. Men should avoid informal wear such as shorts or sports uniform. Persons not adhering to the dress code will not be permitted on the campus.
5. Parents during their visits to the school have to adhere to the security rules and regulations. All visitors should sign in the security register and carry a visitors' slip which should be presented at the security gate at the time of leaving the campus. Note: Visitors will not be allowed to leave the campus unless the visitor's slip (signed by the Registrar / Dean) is presented at the security.
6. Parents visiting the school on any working day - with prior permission, should first contact the school office immediately upon reaching the campus, without fail. Parents / visitors found loitering on the campus without permission and without a visitor's batch - would be asked to leave the campus immoderately.
7. Parents who wish to have lunch at the school dining hall may inform the Front Office In-charge and collect the meal coupon after paying the necessary charges to the Rector. Prior information about the same will be appreciated. Please note that personal or cab drivers will not be permitted to dine in the school dining hall.
8. The Abhyasa management maintains a serene atmosphere and encourages refined behaviour on the school campus and expects the same from parents & visitors. Any behaviour of parents or their accomplices which sets a bad example for the students on the campus shall be viewed seriously by the school management and that may even lead to the termination of admission of the Student. Smoking and consuming of liquor / alcohol on the school campus is strictly prohibited and would lead to severe repercussions. Persons in an inebriated or intoxicated condition will be evicted from the campus.
9. During visits, parents are required to park their vehicles in the allotted parking area and are not permitted to drive their vehicles beyond the parking area of the campus. Trespassing into the mango orchard is strictly prohibited. Flowers or fruits from the garden/orchard should not be plucked.
10. Venue during Parent Visits: Parents can be seated in the blue shed near the dining hall or under the mango trees in front of the School Laundry or on either side of the Tamarind tree near the swimming pool or in the Amphi -Theatre or the Playfield or near the parking area. No one is permitted to enter the area beyond the compound wall. Nobody should be seated in the corridors of any buildings. Parents are not allowed entry into any part of the campus as a matter of right and are not even allowed to enter the student dormitories.
11. The school authorities encourage the parents to approach them directly for all queries and problems. Intermediaries/interlocutors are strictly discouraged, unless the person is a local guardian authorized by the parent in the school admission form. Parents should contact the Matron / Rector / Registrar for any assistance. Parents are also expected to encourage their children to express their personal problems directly to any of the concerned schoolauthorities.
12. Parents should also note that the school is no way concerned with the personal issues between the parents. The single parent / Guardian of the child should note that the admission is granted only after obtaining the consent of both the parents and the school is in no way responsible for any personal issues which arise thereafter. Disciplinary issues between students would also be sorted out by the school authorities and Parents of the students-in-conflict are to limit themselves to bringing any issue to the notice of the Principal / Rector / Registrar. Parents should not use the school premises to settle their personal scores and openly discuss personal issues.
13. The application for admission to Abhyasa elicits all types of information about the student - which is provided by the student's parents / guardians under oath. Any deliberate attempt to withhold information or furnishing of false information by the parents is a serious offence under law. Strict action may be initiated under such circumstances, including the termination of Admission of the child. Single Parents should furnish legal documents regarding guardianship of child and visiting rights granted by courts. Any change, however temporary, in address and telephone number of the parents / guardians of the child should be immediately notified to the school authorities, in writing, by the parents - and an acknowledgment should be obtained from the school official to whom suchinformation is furnished i.e. (Executive Secretary to Director or the Registrar) Failure to obtain acknowledgment from school amounts to not sharing the information with the school.
14. Parents are hereby advised to avoid procuring food from the Local (countryside) Vendors, Hotels and Dhabas, in the best interests of the child. Please ensure that you do not leave the leftover food or fruits to be kept with student for later consumption in the dormitories, as it is not permitted. In case the matrons find eatables with students in the dormitory, the same will be confiscated and distributed to the other students.
15. Parents are expected to bring food only for their children and not for other students without the permission of their parents. Only the food stuff that can be consumed during the Parents' brief stay on campus should be brought. Any excess food and also the wrapping material and food containers should be taken back by the parent and should not be left behind on campus.
16. Students and Parents are responsible for the cleanliness of the area where they are seated and the area should not be littered. Trash bins must be used effectively or else they will be made to clean the area occupied by them. The school is a "No Plastic Zone" and the use of polythene and other plastic material is strictly prohibited on the campus.
17. Parents are advised not to send their drivers to procure anything locally from Toopran and any vehicle going out and coming back during the period of parent visit, will be checked by the school security personnel. Parents are not allowed to take their child out of the campus during their visits to the school.
18. Parents/visitors should leave as soon as the announcement is made for their departure or else repeated announcements will be made for parents to leave the campus and names of such parents will be noted. Parents should not overstay on the pretext of making last minute enquiries at the office or with the school officials. All enquiries should be made at least an hour before the closing time of the visit i.e. 5pm.
19. All the parents are required to attend every ‘Parent-Teacher Interaction' held twice a year on the campus. It is mandatory for the parents to attend open house sessions conducted on the days of Parent-Teacher Interaction and all other school functions, in the best interests of the child's development. During the parent-teacher interactions, the parents are required to ask teachers only queries related to the academic performance of the child. Teachers are not responsible for administration related issues. For any administrative related queries parents are to approach the Principal / Registrar only.
20. Birthday Celebrations of students on the campus by their parents
- Any student desirous of giving a party to their friends should take prior permission from the Rector or Dean and the School will depute a Matron to oversee the Party.
- The celebrations will be permitted only during the evening snack break.
- Parents interested in celebrating the birthday of their child can do so, under the Tamarind Tree beside the Swimming Pool only and at no other place on the campus.
- Only Classmates of the birthday student and the own brother or sister of the birthday boy / girl will be allowed to participate in such celebrations.
- Parents should record the items to be distributed, in the register maintained at the front office of the school
- The school will not provide any cutlery / crockery i.e. plates, spoons, knife, matchbox, etc.
- The student / parent must ensure that the place is left clean after the party and no worker from the school is to be engaged for cleaning purposes.
21. All parental correspondence to the school authorities shall be in English only.
22. During the school programmes:
- Parents should not interfere with the internal affairs of the school curriculum, regarding any events, programmes and competitions or even discourage students from holding any post in the Students' Management Council.
- Parents are not allowed to leave the campus till the programme is over.
- In case the parents have any genuine problem and want to lea
23. The school management reserves the right to cancel or modify any of the rules and regulations and formulate new rules from time to time, which will be duly notified to all the parents / candidates.
- Students are permitted to go with / to their parents or local guardians, strictly as per the dates notified in the calendar of events. In case of absolute necessity of the child at home, parents may seek prior permission for a day or two. However, such visits should not exceed four days during the whole academic year.
- All Exeats requests should be made online only through Anusandhan Portal. The Rector is the Primary Authority to process and grant exeats to all students. However in case of any difference of opinion with the Rector you may contact the Principal for further redressal and Principal's decision is final and binding on the Parents.
- The school reserves the right to deny permission for an exeat to a student during important occasions in the academic session, such as School Programmes, Examinations etc. In case of a wedding, a student will be permitted only if his / her real brother or sister is getting married. For this purpose the parent has to upload the appropriate wedding card on Anusandhan Portal. The school could also deny an exeat to a student, whenever there is exodus of requests to the school, during a festive or a wedding season. Parents are required to plan their family vacations in accordance with the school vacations enlisted in the School Calendar of Events.
- In case a student takes an exeat on emergency medical grounds during the academic session, parents will have to upload medical reports on Anusandhan Portal. A plain certificate on a doctor's letter head will not be treated as a report and parents need to either produce evidence of hospitalisation or pathological medical reports.
- Parents / Guardians taking their child on exeat, should sign in the prescribed 'exeat book' at the school office' and collect an exeat slip that needs to be submitted to the School security at the exit gate, before taking the child out of the campus. The school security will not permit any student to leave the campus without the Exeat slip issued by the office.
- Parents who cannot come personally to pick up the child for a Vacation or an Exeat are required to send an "Authorization Letter" along with the person or persons, who would be picking up the child from the campus. In case the child is required to travel alone by bus or other means of Public Transport, the parents' must furnish a written consent to that effect - to the school authorities. In such cases, the school could make arrangements with its regular cab-operators for the student's drop or pick-up from the airport or the railway station, but will not accountable once the students' signs in the exeat form and leaves the school campus. However parents may provide a cell phone to the school, so that the student could carry the same with him/her during journeys and the school would also furnish numbers of the cab- driver for the parent to monitor.
- All students should return to the school campus on the date and time, which are mentioned on the exeat slip. A student / Parent should report straight to the school front office and sign in the 'Exeat Book' on returning to the campus after a leave or vacations and should not go directly to their dormitory or classroom. If a student arrives before office hours i.e. 8 AM he /she should wait at the security till the office is open. A student should not arrive on the campus before 7 AM and after 8 PM and parents should ensure that travel arrangements are made accordingly.
- In case a student has to go home on account of any emergency, such as a death in the family, a few hours prior information to the school authorities from the parent / guardian is mandatory. However, Parents should not disturb any of the school authorities between 10 PM and 7 AM, whatever may be the nature of emergency. A fax message from the parent is mandatory if the student has to travel alone.
- The school will not send the child if the authorization letter sent by the parent is not complete in any respect. The signature of the parent sending the authorization letter will be verified with the specimen signature of the parent in the Admission Form - by the Secretary to the Director / Registrar and the same will be acknowledged with the words 'verified and found matching / not matching', as the case may be. If the signature of the parent does not match, then the parent will be contacted over phone and requisite consent will be taken via fax or SMS and then the child will be sent on an exeat.
- Parents should ensure that their child/ward reports to school on the date and at the mandatory time of re-opening after vacations. In case of vacation extension, prior permission from the Principal is mandatory. A Vacation period cannot be extended just by sending a FAX message or a phone call to the school. The reasons should be supported by evidence and also approval by the School Principal. In case of Medical emergencies, genuine supporting documents such as Medical Reports, Prescriptions and medicines to be handed over to the nursing assistant at "Arogya" - the school infirmary.
- In case the student does not report on time without a valid permission from the school, they would be suspended from classes for the number of days that they have arrived late and they would also be denied phone calls from the Parents for a few days thereafter.
Each student is allotted two telephone numbers (one landline and one mobile) at a specified time between 8-30PM and 10-00PM on Week days for duration of 15 minutes only. Parents should call one of the two numbers (the other number is a standby in case of bad lines) on the dot at the specified time. The Dormitory Matrons regulate the incoming and out-going calls to the students. The following are a few rules & regulations for the phone calls which the parents are required to comply with:
- In order to avoid students maintaining unwanted friendship with outsiders, only calls from the child's parents / guardians would be forwarded to students. The telephone operator would ask for the caller's identity and unless parents / guardians are personally on the line; the student would not be given the line. Even the calls from brother / sister / cousins etc will not be entertained unless they are with the parents.
- Schedule of telephone calls for the students of various classes - during the weekdays - will be specified to the parents at the time of admission. Parents should adhere to the timings specified and must adhere to the average duration of 15 minutes each - as the phone would be used by another student after the 15 minutes allotted to one student. Calls are restricted to 'one' per week for senior students ( class 7 and above ) and 'two' calls per week for junior students ( classes 4 to 6 ).
- Parents desirous of speaking to any of the School Office Bearers should call them on their personal cell numbers during the specified timings (between 3 PM and 4 PM in the afternoon) as per the information and instructions furnished to parents at the commencement of every academic year. Parents should not be disturbing the School officials at other times. However parents are free to call the school on the office landline numbers during office hours for conveying any specific information to students. All important queries should be made to the Executive Secretary to Director and Principal and NOT to the front office telephone operator.
- Any student who uses the school telephone will be charged per call according to the prevailing tariff and the charge will be credited to his / her tuck shop account.
- Parents making frequent calls to school authorities without any valid reason will be disturbing the latter's schedules and such calls will not be entertained, as per the discretion of the school management.
- During term-end examinations and special school functions, telephone calls to students would be suspended, as it would disturb their preparation for the examinations. However parents could call the respective school officials and make enquiries about the child or pass on a message to the child through the school officials. In case of calls being suspended due to a special programme, alternative arrangement would be made on a following day and the parent would be informed about the change through SMS.
- If a parent calls late or does not adhere to the time slots, the matrons will not grant extra time, as the next caller would be waiting. If a student does not get a call at all, then the matron may give a missed call to the parent at the end of the session (10 PM ) for a return call by the parent. However, if any parent takes undue advantage of this situation, the matron is not expected to oblige such parents.
- Whenever a student falls sick, the parent is intimated through an SMS. Parents could call the school during office hours and the call would be connected to "Arogya" - The school infirmary and the parent could get first-hand details from the school nurse or the student in the infirmary. The school also updates the details of sickness and medicines administered to students, on the "Anusandhaan" module of the school web-site.
- The school discourages students from using cell phones of staff members and other visitors to the campus. Visiting Parents who handover their cell phones to other Abhyasa students (even if the other student is related to the visitor) the visitor would be asked to leave the campus immediately.