Clubs and Organisations
Prefectural Leadership

Abhyasa provides a unique opportunity wherein 10% of students in the school – selected from across all classes, get an opportunity every year to don leadership roles in the capacity of Managers, Class Leaders, Dormitory leaders, Academic coordinators, House Captains, Prefects, Head Boy, Head Girl and School Captain. It is an excellent opportunity for students to experience leadership and responsibility while at school.
Shiva & Shakti Houses
To develop a healthy competitive spirit among children, each student is assigned to a ‘House’ – to which he/she belongs and represents in all competitions on the school campus. The school is divided into two houses namely Shiva (Blue Color) and Shakti (Red Color) – symbolizing the Masculine and the Feminine aspects of Nature. The house captains mobilize boys and girls at the junior (Grades IV, V & VI) – Intermediate (Grades VII & VIII) – Senior levels (Grades IX & XI) to participate and compete in various Inter-House Games and Cultural activities.
Inter House Games and Sports

Competitions are conducted in all Games and Sports events throughout the year – to spot talent and train students for external Inter-School competitions. An annual time table is drawn up for exhibition matches at every weekend and the sports, field and track event competition are held during the months of September – October, culminating in a Inter-House Sports Festival on the last day of the First semester. These programmes are planned in consultation with the student leaders and State and National level event records are monitored to meet targets.
Student Club Activities

These activities are Inter-house Competitions conducted by the School in various events such as Dance, Music, Fashion Show, Quiz, Debate, Elocution, Science Projects, Poetry, Dramatics, Antakshri, Fun Games like ‘what’s the good word?’, Dumb charades etc between the Shiva and Shakti Houses at the three levels of Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors. All preparations for performances are undertaken completely by the students without any inputs from their teachers. This brings out their innate talents and creativity and also helps to shed inhibitions in the child. This training imbues organizational and managerial skills in children and inculcates collective responsibility. Such competitions are held every Sunday and the points scored by each house are added to the overall tally of the House Points.
Student Management Committees

At Abhyasa, the students manage various departments of the school through Committees headed by a Student Manager, Deputy Manager and Voluntary Members drawn from classes VIII to XII. Students set annual goals for each of their respective departments at the beginning of the academic year and lay down a set of rules and regulations to manage the departments. The various Management Committees include:
- Academic Management (Monitors Teaching – Learning process)
- Campus Management (Monitors Campus Environment and Hygiene)
- Discipline Management (Monitors Student Behavior and conflicts)
- Extra Curricular Activities and Event Management (Entertainment)
- Games and Sports Management (Plans Competitive Strategies)
- Rural Service Management (Interacts with the lesser privileged)
- Spirituality Management (Organizes Spiritual enhancement events)
- Mess Management (Monitors menu, quality and waste prevention)
Rotary International’s Student Interact Club

Interact Club of Rotary International is a Services Club for youth between age 14 to 18 years. Interact club is a self-governing and self-supporting body dedicated to Community and International services. The name ‘Interact’ is a combination of the words ‘International’ and ‘Action’. The Interact Club at Abhyasa was formed on 20th September, 2008 (Club ID – 15570 under District 3150 of Rotary Club Hyderabad North) with 99 founding members & networked with Interact’s Global Youth Network.
Ambassadors of the Environment

Abhyasa National Green Corps Eco-club has Green Soldiers from class VII onwards. The club has taken up water conservation awareness through skits, puppet shows, debates, quiz etc. and recycling of water and newspapers. The Andhra Pradesh NGC team identified and recognized Abhyasa’s Eco-club activities and aired our success story on All India Radio - New Delhi. Our little soldiers are making Abhyasa campus a ‘Zero-Waste Campus’ and a ‘No-Plastic Zone’ by segregating and recycling waste. Students are safeguarding a 100 year old Banyan Tree on the campus and planning to revive a dying river on the outskirts of Toopran.
The following activities are highlights of the club:
- Bio-Diversity
- Water Management
- Waste Management
- Energy Management
- Land-use Management