Health and Safety
An in-house Sick Dorm is available for all students to ensure that their medical needs are attended on a 24/7 basis. A stationed, qualified and trained nurse is available to look after medical issues of students. An ambulance is always available at a call. The infirmary is ready with all the necessary basic equipment to attend any type of emergency.
Health Report

Record of the sickness of each student is maintained by the school and updated on a weekly basis on the Anusandhan Module on school website Detailed information about: illnesses, their diagnosis, medicines administered to the child during an illness are made available to the parents who can constantly monitor the ‘Health Status’ of their child. Parents also receive intimations through SMS in case of any serious illness and the school nursing assistant would be available for discussion on phone. There is a hospital with scanning and operation facilities, adjacent to the school campus and the doctor is available round the clock for any emergency. Toopran town also has a facility of 108 ambulance service. In case of a serious illness the child will be shifted to a competent hospital at Hyderabad and parents will be duly informed of the admission. Expenditure incurred on such hospitalization will be borne by parents/guardians.
Periodic Health checkup

Monthly health checkups are under taken for each and every student to make sure that the students grow taller, stronger and sharper. Height and weight checkups are done regularly and the data is also available to parents. The data recorded is cross verified with the earlier readings to look for variations. If any weight loss is noticed in a child, a special care is taken by providing proper diet under the supervision of matrons. In case of seasonal contagious diseases, regular homeopathy medicines are administered as a precautionary measure for all inmates on campus. Periodic Orientation Camps for students are conducted by specialists such as Dentist, Orthopedist, Psychiatrist, Gynecologist etc.
Daily Hygiene Monitor
Every matron is provided with a check list to ensure that every student undertakes his/her daily chores such as brushing teeth, cutting nails, cleaning ears. All bed linen is changed weekly. Vaseline is provided to students to ensure that their skin does not dry up. All Dormitories have a safety insect net for all doors and windows and all the rooms are sanitized on a daily basis with the fumes from burning of dry Neem leaves. This also prevents the spreading of communicable diseases.
Fire Safety

Every inmate of the campus is trained in Mock Fire Drills thrice a year to ensure that every student is trained to face an eventuality of a fire accident. Students learn the skills of using fire extinguishers placed in all vital locations namely classrooms, dorms, dining hall, laboratories etc.
First Aid
Training in basic emergency medical aid is provided to all the students at the beginning of every academic year. Students learn how to use the first-aid kit. They also learn about the basic types of medicines and techniques that are necessary to provide emergency help in case of eventualities such as accidents, hurt, falls, burns, breathlessness etc.
Safety & Security

The safety and security of the children and school campus is outsourced to Professional Security Agencies. Constant vigil is maintained round the clock at all vital locations around the campus to ensure that children are safe and secure at all times. The school also maintains a list of visitors authorized by the parent to visit their child on the school campus. Unauthorized visitors are not allowed to meet any child. Every call to and from the child is verified before the child attends to it to ensure that students are communicating only with their parents and guardians. Attendance of all students is taken by every subject teacher before commencing a class and all dinning sessions are monitored to ensure that every student is present. Special security check is conducted before the students retire for the day to ensure that everyone is secure inside the Dormitories. A lady security guard is also available for girls. Though the security screens all class IV employees, all the students are personally responsible for the safety of their belongings.

The CCTV is a Live Centrally Monitored Surveillance system which watches the movement of Staff and Students at the critical locations of the large school campus, on a round-the-clock basis. This ensures a peaceful co-existence of inmates on the campus and also checks unwanted straying into prohibited areas. A Close watch is also kept on the movements of senior boys and girls and the system also prohibits the entry of unauthorized persons into the campus. The disciplinary issues or any other misbehavior could also be tracked. Abhyasa makes use of the latest technology to address the issues of Safety, so that the pupils on the campus could be safe and lead a hassle-free life-which is essential for the overall development of the Child.