Soft Skill Development

Abhyasa aims to develop all the faculties of the child to make him a complete human being. This involves physical fitness, mental alertness, intellectual capabilities, emotional balance, aesthetic fulfillment, social responsibility and spiritual awareness. During their long years of stay at Abhyasa, each of the above faculties will be strengthened by constantly providing the necessary inputs in the form of practical lessons in fields, which are not covered under their academic, physical or art education such as:
- Communication skills & phonetics
- Observation skills
- Elocution, debate and quiz competitions
- Understanding human behavior
- Career guidance
- Moral and ethical education
- Endurance tests
- Mock interviews
- Environmental protection
- Unity of world religions
- Current social issues
- Commerce & Economics
- Time management
- Goal setting
Expert trainers and counselors from fields of Industry and Management visit the campus to train Abhyasa students in soft skills, motivation and self-development skills.
The Finishing School:
This is an event conducted indicating the end of the training, both academic and co-curricular for students of Class X and XII at Abhyasa. The Progamme consists of Marching of all the students with the dignitaries to the dais, speeches by different students, an Oath reiterating to keep up and maintaining all that they have learnt at Abhyasa etc. The Programme ends with a Farewell Dinner.
Soft Skills Development:
Under this programme Abhyasa works for the overall development of the Children by imparting Soft Skills such as Communication, Decision Making, Time Management etc.