School Updates
Parents Picnic 2013
According to the tradition a Parent's Picnic is arranged every year in this month. A special site is chosen for the picnic where all the Parents and Students and Staff come together and have a day full of activities and fun.

It's more like a huge family gathering. Students were preparing for this event, days before and had planned their commerce activity accordingly. There were mainly two groups from students Shadow and Blitz. In this commerce activity they plan different activities wherein the students contribute money and arrange entertaining programs and earn profits which are then used for Social activities as Gram Seva. What a noble cause and insight.
That is why we say that we focus on the overall development of your child. Students from IX, X, XI and XII mainly participate in this activity and from this early age they are aware of their social responsibilities. These values are imbibed on them at this young age and it will always be a way of life for them as they grow older. I am sure very few schools must be providing this kind of culture and education to their students.

Although it was all arranged by the students it was done very professionally. The elder students booked an entire Theatre for a movie which was specially screened for Abhyasa students. There was huge participation from all the students and almost the whole school went to watch the movie on a Sunday. The show was a grand success. Then it was time for the Juniors. They too planned a Mega Event. They brought in a Star from Telugu Film Industry (Mr. Ramesh) who has achieved fame in Telugu film industry as a comedian. It was a full Two and Half Hours Program and the entire school enjoyed it. Then it was DJ Night organized by the seniors. A professional DJ was called for the night and everyone danced to their hearts content on their tunes. Apart from these activities the students planned stalls at the picnic spot. It was all so planned that you would not believe that this all was arranged by students. They bargained with dealers and distributors and bought goods at a discounted rate, and so much of variety items from eatables to clothes, from modern games to electronic gadgets.
They even had Dominoes Pizzas and Burgers from MacDonald's, fashion accessories and what not. It looked like a small town fare where in shopkeepers were advertising their products on mike and pulling crowds towards them.

The main tent was ready for entertaining the parents by programs arranged by the school. Music was being played and parents were invited to showcase their talents in dance, music and others. Lot of parents came forward voluntarily and participated in the activities and displayed their sportsman spirit. The juniors had arranged a treasure hunt to add spice to the event and parents were seen frantically searching for clues all over the place. Parents flied Paper Planes in the tent. These activities were organized by Mr. Ravindran with the help of students. There were prizes for the winners. Lot of games and quiz were arranged to keep the parents entertained in the main tent.

A sumptuous lunch was organized by Abhyasa for the parents. And soon after a short presentation was given by our Founder Principal and Director Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla in which he introduced "Anusandhan" which is a tool through which you can have access to your child's activities see his development and monitor what all is going on with him in the school. It contains all the details in every area like academics, phone call schedules, sports, tuck-shop, discipline, sickness, health & hygiene and grading is done for each and every aspect. So many facilities are there which you can easily access through Anusandhan. Very few schools or educational institutions in India must be having such kind of user friendly systems where the parents can access their children's daily routines and keep track of their wards developments. Mr Vinaayaka Kalleetla made an appeal to parents to access this facility regularly to have complete knowledge about their wards developments.
After the presentation, Snacks were being served and it was farewell time. In all everyone enjoyed the picnic and many parents thanked for the thoughtfulness of arranging such activities wherein they could spend some quality time with their children in such beautiful surroundings. The parents too had a change in their daily hustle and bustle.