School Updates
Ganesha Chaturdhi 2011
Lord Ganesha represents "Om" or the Pranava, which represents the Hindu Dharma. It is always believed that Lord Ganesh is the power that removes all hindrances for any task before it is being taken over. His two feet represent the power of knowledge and the power of action. The elephant head is significant in that it is the only figure in nature that has the form of the symbol for Om. The significance of riding on a mouse is the complete conquest over egoism. The holding of the ankusha represents His rule of the world. It is the emblem of divine Royalty. His huge ears indicate the urge for knowledge. Vinayaka Chaviti is the best blend for tradition and passion during which children are always much excited to celebrate Lord Ganesha's birthday.
Whole campus was colorfully decorated to welcome Ganesha on 01.09.2011. Children eagerly waited to show their creativity as they have to make Ganesha Idols with clay. After a delicious breakfast session they jumped into the activity of making the idols at the Amphi Theatre. "There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew. We mankind don't have any right to pollute the earth and we do not inherit earth from our ancestors". Abhyasa preaches the same as part of Go Green activity, Ganesha idols are always made with the mud. Children were very devoted and creative in making different varieties of Ganesha Idols.
It's a beautiful eye sight in the evening to watch students participating in pooja with colorful traditional ware. Respected Principal performed pooja to the Lod along with hawan. Laddu prasadam was distributed to students as they proceeded for dinner.
Ganesh nimajjan procession is much awaited for parents every year. On 04.09.2011, Pooja started in the afternoon with hawan. Ganesha idols were placed in push carts after aarthi was offered to the Lord. Human Ganeshas headed the procession along with Vedic Chanting team. Bhajan and dance troupes followed them. Slogan and water distributing teams followed the push carts which carried the Ganesha Idols. Every team was under the supervision of teacher incharges. The procession stopped at each and every Ganesha idol arranged in Toopran village for 2 to 3 minutes.
By that time the procession reached the Toopran Tank it rained heavily as the sign of blessing from the Lord. Dancing in the showers – all the parents, students and teachers moved ahead. Respected Principal offered final pooja at the tank and was the nimajjan process followed later. All the students, parents and teachers came back with heavy hearts back to the campus. But the slogans went on for the lord – "Ganapathi Bappa Moriya, Pudcha Varshi Laukariyaa"…
Let us see some glimpses of the event...

Pooja and Aarthi being offer to the Lord…

Pooja and Aarthi being offer to the Lord…

The Procession starts…

The Procession starts…

The Process goes on with the rhythm…

The Process goes on with the rhythm…

Ganapathi Bappa Moriya… Pudcha Varshi Laukariya…