School Updates
"Karmanye Vaadhikaaraste Maa phaleshu kadaachana…" the famous quote from Sreemad Bhagavadgeeta motivates crores of the humans across the globe. It was 23.08.2011, the birthday of Geetaachaarya, Lord Krishna, on which Abhyasa had celebrated with great enthusiasm. Divine atmosphere was created across the campus indicating the birthday of the Lord.
The Krishnaastami celebrations were celebrated in the evening from 06.00 pm onwards in the Priyanka's Playpen. The whole school attended the celebrations. Before the programme could commence the "Utti" programme was conducted at the school grounds which was enjoyed by the students to the most. Later, "Jhoola" was arranged for the Lord in the Priyanka's Playpen.. There were songs, dances and group performances presented for the Lord. The daandiya performance offered for the lord by the girls was quite impressive and it was honoured by all the audiences with a huge round of applause. Songs by Miss Ritu Shraavani were melodious and the fragrance of the music was enjoyed by all. There were tiny tots who were made up like the Lord on the dais whose presence was very much enjoyed by the crowd.
The programme came to an end by offering "Aarthi" to the lord.
Let us see some glimpses of the event...

"Students sing and dance for the Lord…"

Govinda Alaare..