School Updates
"Paritranaya Saadhoonam, Vinasayacha Dushkrutaam, Dharma Samsthapanaardhaaya Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge.." said the Geetaachaarya in The Bhagavat Geeta. Thank to the Hindu culture that has spread a message that God exists anywhere and everywhere. We celebrated the Master's birthday on 02.09.2010 to recall his teachings and set our ways and means of living in a right manner. We always try to follow the teachings of the Geetaachaarya and live a peaceful and purposeful life. It was another multicoloured day in the history of Abhyaasa. It was the Krushnaastami, the birthday of the Geetaachaarya. Abhyasa family had celebrated the event in a very religious manner. The efforts of the petite hands were quick and loo... there stood the Lord Krushna being decorated and placed royally in the Play Pen. The programme started with students explaining the importance of Krushnaastami – along with the values portrayed by the God during avatar of Krushna. Melodious Annamachaarya kritis were sung by the students which mesmerized the audience. The Lord should have definitely enjoyed the Jhoola song sung by the Abhyasa family. The tiny tots danced to the tunes of daandiya to entertain the Little Krushna. Followed by the Jhoola sevva for cute Krishna, all the students enjoyed rocking the traditionally decorated cradle. There were little kids who were dressed up as Krishna, dancing and playing. Sumptuous dinner followed...
Following are some of the glimpses :