School Updates
It was a real family fest at Kisthapur, a hamlet, 4 km away from Toopran on 05.12.2010. The parent picnic of the year, the day of Commerce Activity have added colors to the jubilation. The beautiful rock formations surrounded by two water bodies spread in 75 acres welcomed all the parents for an excellent day to be spent with their kids. Both the teams "COLORS" and "LEO9" offered them as much fun as they can through the famous Commerce Activity. It was another great day for all the parents of Abhyasa, who participated in all the activities by the school for their entertainment. The atmosphere was filled with robust energy with parents singing, dancing and offering "shaayaries". To state it in simple terms, it was a real successful event again in the history of Abhyasa.
All the parents were informed well in advance about the event. A special reception counter was placed at the campus of Abhyasa to guide and direct to the picnic spot. All the parents reached on time to the campus and as well to the picnic spot. As planned in advance, a spacious parking place was given to all the parents to park their vehicles. Another reception counter was placed to help out the parents for further guidance. The celebrations were triggered with the event "Treasure Hunt". It was successfully chased out by parents later. Parents were very enthusiastic to participate in all the events conducted by the school. Delicious lunch was served to the parents.
On the other hand, the commerce activity took on. This time the competition was between "COLORS" and "LEO9". Classes XII and IX have come together as "COLORS" and Classes X and XI have come together as "LEO9". This time the activity was done in a more professional manner by both the teams. A recruitment drive was conducted by both the teams before semester and the Organograms were made accordingly. Appointment letters were given to the managers who were selected in the interviews. Share certificates were also prepared and handed over to the investors. The profiles of all the concerned managers were discussed in advance with them. Teams were made for promotional events, purchases and ware housing etc.
Students displayed enormous energy and creativity in all their advertisements. Colourful flexes and posters added beauty to the campus. Many advertisements have created enthusiasm and interest among the students in the subject Business Studies. Functional departments from both the companies, as per their profiles did purchasing, storing and pricing in the space allotted for them.
Team "COLORS" has arranged a very unique event this time. The students after taking proper guidance from the teacher in charges, have gone for a liaison where a special screening of the recent movie "ORANGE" was screened for them. On 14th November, 2010 itself, the team had unveiled their Company name. Competitively, team "LEO9" had responded with their unique event of throwing a "MUSICAL CONCERT" to all the students which was a blast on the campus. Students danced and sang displaying their great talents.
Another special attraction in this year's commerce activity was that team COLORS, introduced promotion offers where in they gave away a Bicycle, a DVD player, MP3 player and goggles for specified amounts of purchases which was well received by all the parents.
On the day of the Activity, both the teams rocked the picnic spot with different stalls, products, marketing and selling techniques. Some students had spread out displaying their salesmanship techniques. It was a real colourful event which had again proved that Abhyasa gives utmost importance to experiential learning. All the students were trained even in Credit Collection management. All the left over money after meeting both the companies' expenses will be used for Gram Seva programme. "It is very good to see students coming up with such creative ideas", expressed the respected Founder – Principal, Mr.Vinaayaka Kalleetla, after giving away the prizes to the winners. Principal had a special conversation with all the parents proving that he is always available to all the stakeholders at all the given point of time.
This year the commerce fest has been done in a more professional manner. The procedure executed to execute this fest was as follows:
- Students were asked to initiate two different Public Limited Companies – they were also required to prepare the documents like MOA, AOA, Prospectus and Share Certificates and Debenture Certificates.
- All the investors of both the companies were given their share certificates
- The HR departments of both the companies went for the recruitment drive and appointed managers and assistant managers to run their business – all the selected candidates were given appointment letters.
- The Marketing department students of both the companies conducted market survey to know and identify what were required to reach their targeted customers.
- The Purchase department students of both the companies went to city and purchase the items as per the market survey.
- The Sales department students of both the companies were taken to the place in advance so that they can understand and identify the right place for executing their business.
- The Event Management department students of both the companies managed different events on the campus as part of the Commerce Activity.
- The Promotion department students of both the companies rocked the campus with all their promotion activities which creates colourful and competitive atmosphere on the campus.
- On the day of Commerce Activity all the students exhibited their skills of salesmanship, advertising, sales promotion etc and sell the goods.
- The money generated is donated for the Gram Seva programmes conducted by the School, which teaches Social Responsibility.
- With this the learning of business process is complete for the students at the school level.
Following are some of the glimpses of the event…
LEO 9's advertising strategies...
Answer from COLORS...
COLORS arranges a film show… "ORANGE"
Registration counter for Parents Picnic

The Picnic Spot

And the activity begins...

Welcome to the parents

Principal addresses the parents

The delicious lunch session

The view of the Camp

The parking place

Power arranged to sell ice creams

Games for parents

Team Commerce…2010

Lucky customes awarded by COLORS..

Lucky customes awarded by COLORS..