Achievements & Archives
Abhyasites Going Places
Abhyasites Going Places 2009-2011
- Abhyasa II Term Highlights
- Abhyasites representing AP for swearing-in of US President Barack Obama
- Social Service Activities
- Student Management Committee Reports
- Commerce Activity
- Field Trip -2009
- Field Trip
- Campus Magazine
- Parents Picnic - 2010
- Puttaparthi Trip - 2010
- Adventurous Himalayan Trek Report - May 2010
- Medical Camp 2010
Germany Tour

Himalayas Tour

Educational Tours
Global Young Leaders Conference (GYLC)
The Congressional Youth Leadership Council selects youngsters from all over the world to help them acquire Leadership skills. The Global young Leaders Conference (GYLC) is a unique leadership development programme that brings together outstanding young people from around the world to build critical leadership skills in a global context in the month of July/August every year. GYLC offers students the opportunity to learn from and exchange ideas with some of the world's top business leaders, policy officials, lobbyists, journalists, diplomats and academicians in the challenging and dynamic environments of Washington, D.C. and New York city; or Beijing, Hangzhou and Shanghai where the students of Abhyasa participate along with representatives from the other countries, in simulation programmes exposing them to Discussion, Deliberation, Negotiation and Decision Making. They also visit the United Nations General Assembly where they get an opportunity to pass a resolution. The students return home from GYLC with a greater understanding of their roles and responsibilities as citizens and future leaders in an international community.
Educational Tours Abroad
Abhyasa conducts Educational Tours in India and abroad to expose the students to different cultures and practices apart from enabling them to interact with people across the globe and visit places of interest in those countries. Such tours are conducted by private global operators and the fee charged is all inclusive, ex-Hyderabad. Abhyasa teachers also accompany the students and our entourages have visited united kingdom, Paris, Germany, Austria, Italy and USA.