Achievements & Archives
United Nations Youth Excellency Award
"The Youth Assembly at the United Nations" is held once in 3 Years at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The year 2007 will be etched with gold in the history of Abhyasa, when the school received recognition at the United Nations for the Social Responsibility undertaken by the students of Abhyasa in the remote village of Toopran. The rural service management group headed by Master Chaitanya, along with the Director and Founder Principal Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla received the Youth Excellence Award on behalf of all Abhyasites at the United Nations Headquarters at New York City on 15th August, 2007 when India was celebrating her 60th Anniversary of Independence. No other NGO or Individual from India or Asia was conferred with this honor in the last decade – which is a true tribute to Abhyasa!