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Abhyasa School Key Milestones
Barcelona beacon teenager Aneel Soiban of Class 12 (Commerce) of Abhyasa School
Barcelona beckons TS Football teen
Prateek Talukdar
Hyderabad: He is frail in appearanceand on first glance his body give on impression that he is a footballer. That he is immensely gifted gets evidenced when he steps onto the football ground and starts dribbling.

Meet the Manipuri teenager (he hails from Thoubal) who is all set to take Telangana State to an envious position on the football map.
The second-year Intermidiate student at Abhyasa International School in Toopran, Aneel Soibam is on the threshold of a creer-changing turning point.
"I took a liking for the sport when I was studying in thied standard. There was a reasonably good football activity around and my uncle was active with a local club. these helped me immensely in comenting my preference for the sport over a period of time," explains Aneel, who is Barcelona-bound.
Educational World: Indian School Ranking Award 2017-18
For the 5th consecutive year, Abhyasa International Residential school has bagged the Educational World India School Rankings Award among the top 2 Co-ed Residential schools in Telangana & Top 25 in India... from 1,000 schools surveyed independently across the country!! CurriculumThis year a sample of 12,000 parents, teachers & students were interviewed all over India without the involvement of any schools - to arrive at the final rankings!!
Educational World: Indian School Ranking Award 2017-18
For the 5th consecutive year, Abhyasa International Residential school has bagged the Educational World India School Rankings Award among the top 2 Co-ed Residential schools in Telangana & Top 25 in India... from 1,000 schools surveyed independently across the country!! CurriculumThis year a sample of 12,000 parents, teachers & students were interviewed all over India without the involvement of any schools - to arrive at the final rankings!!
The summit was held on 22nd and 23rd September 2017, at The Leela Ambience,Gurgram.
CEO and Founder Director of Abhyasa has been honored with the award

Abhyasa declared winners in NGSC Competition

The students of Abhyasa International School participated in the National Group Singing Competition (NGSC) organized by Bharath Vikas Parishad, Hyderabad and was adjudged the best and secured 1st place out of 94 participant schools from across the State on 17th October 2017. The competition was based on Classical Hindustani, Karnatak Sangeet or folk / regional tunes and the students were adjudged on music composition, swar, tal, pronunciation and mode of presentation. The students enthralled the audience with their melodious songs both in Hindi and Sanskrit. The students took care of their diction, intonation, expressions and notes as they sang the mellifluous songs that reverberated in the whole atmosphere. The songs and the music was so soothing, soulful and harmonious that it got the audience fully transported into its world as they got lost in the music.
Abhyasa is "Asia's 100 Greatest Brands" & Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla is awarded as "Asia's 100 Greatest Leaders"

The students of Abhyasa International School participated in the National Group Singing Competition (NGSC) organized by Bharath Vikas Parishad, Hyderabad and was adjudged the best and secured 1st place out of 94 participant schools from across the State on 17th October 2017. The competition was based on Classical Hindustani, Karnataka Sangeet or folk / regional tunes and the students were adjudged on music composition, swar, tal, pronunciation and mode of presentation. The students enthralled the audience with their melodious songs both in Hindi and Sanskrit. The students took care of their diction, intonation, expressions and notes as they sang the mellifluous songs that reverberated in the whole atmosphere. The songs and the music was so soothing, soulful and harmonious that it got the audience fully transported into its world as they got lost in the music.
Times - Best Residential School Award 2016
The Times of India, Hyderabad has done a secondary research of more than 300 schools with the help of internet, magazines and other publications. These schools were then rated on various parameters like general information of the School: Establishment, Affiliation etc.; Infrastructure & facilities; Sports facilities; Cultural/extra-curricular facilities; Medical facilities; Teachers/ Academic Infrastructure; Social Integration; Exchange programs and global exposure; Awards etc. to arrive at the final rankings. These Rankings were published in the Times School Advertorial, Hyderabad Edition on 28th October 2016.

Abhyasa International Residential School has been awarded as the BEST RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL. The award was presented by the International badminton player Ms. Jwala Gutta to Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla, CEO and Founder Director of Abhyasa, Mrs. P.L.N. Murthy, Advisor and 2 student representatives on 9th November 2016 at Hotel Radisson Blu, Banjara Hills.
30 Eminent Schools of the K-12 category across boards, affiliations & categories of Schools in India have been recognized by the Economic Times and have been branded as the Best School Brands of 2016 in India. Abhyasa International Residential School finds her place among the best 30. These schools have been recognized for their immense credibility of giving the nation great individual leaders.

These Schools play an important role in building the students with right knowledge and skills provided to the youth and making them ready for contributing towards the overall national progress and economic growth. These schools, with their credible performance, have created a niche in the international markets.
The summit was held on 23rd June 2016, at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi. Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla, CEO and Founder Director of Abhyasa has been honored with the award.
Abhyasa Mobile App Launched!!

Abhyasa International Residential School has launched its own Mobile App on 6th December 2015. The CEO and Founder Director of Abhyasa, Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla, launched the application by pressing the button in the presence of students, parents and staff during Annual Parents Picnic in Kistapur near Toopran. Now parents of Abhyasa International can get all info from the school campus at their finger tips. Abhyasa has always been the first in the Telugu State to introduce and provide up-to-date-technology for the convenience of the students and parents.
Abhyasa Scores Hattrick in Horlicks Wizkids Competition 2015
Abhyasa scores HATTRICK by bagging Overall Championship at Hyderabad Horlicks Wizkid Competition 2015.
Over 5000 students from 22 schools from Hyderabad participated in the most prestigious event, Horlicks Wizkid 2015 held on 11th August 2015 at Sri Sathya Sai Nigmagamam, Hyderabad to experience "Dream, Explore and Perform" and Abhyasa proved to be the Champions once again. It's the 7th time in the last 10 years for Abhyasa.
Besides vying for the Horlicks Wizkid title, the students also competed in various other competitions like Quiz, Sudoku, Search, Style Act, Melodious band, Freestyle dance, Hairstyling, Drawing & Painting, Cooking, Photography, Wizcross and Creative writing.
Though it was all about school children, teachers weren't left behind. In the event ‘Mentor Minute to Fame' also Abhyasa bagged Silver. They also participated in special shows meant for them towards the end of the day's events. For the last 16 years, Horlicks Wizkids has been one of the most sought after platforms for bringing schools students across different geographical regions under one roof. This is a specially designed program for children that focus on their overall development.

While receiving the Champions award, our CEO & Founder Director, Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla, made this mention. "Thank You Syed Sultan Ahmed!! The Architect of the HORLICKS WIZ KIDS COMPETITION!! The Abhyasa students spent weeks & months looking forward to this event... that creates a Dream, a Goal, an Ambition, a Direction, a Purpose and a Joy that makes their Life in a residential school more enjoyable!! Thanks for creating this Forum for kids to express their talents, gain so much confidence and satisfaction in life ... I really don't know how life at Abhyasa would been without the Horlicks wiz kids competition.. You really make us think, make us create, make us achieve... Thank you so much for making all this happen!!!
1. ABHYASA adjudged as the BEST SCHOOL (National Level) at ‘OUR TREASURE PLANTS – 2014' organized by TARAMANDALA, Chitradurga, Karnataka.
It's an extremely proud moment for Abhyasites as the School has been conferred "THE BEST SCHOOL" at the ‘NATIONAL LEVEL' for the success achieved by her students in an event organized by TARAMANDALA. This is an International Level Event held annually.
The Event is an Environment Education Program conducted by TARAMANDALA in the year 2014. Lakhs of students from Leading Schools spread across the nation participated in the event. Taramandala is a Children All Round Development Organization based at Chitradurga in the state of Karnataka, India.
The Award has been conferred on the institution as a recognition considering the total active participation, and the stupendous achievement by the students at the event. The event was about making shapes with leaves of various treasure plants which are of immense value.

The teacher Mrs. Bhargavi Annamreddy, who has led the group of students, has been recognized for actively organizing the participation of the children at the event and for developing scientific attitude among them as "The Best Environment Educator" at the NATIONAL LEVEL.
2. Samanvith wins Horlicks Wizkids South Asia Finals 2014
Samanvith Inkollu of Grade XII of Abhyasa has been crowned as the winner of Horlicks Wizkids South Asia Finals 2014 at Bangalore on 14th November 2014. CurriculumSamanvith represented Hyderabad city at the Horlicks Wizkids South Asia Finals and competed with around 40 other city-level winners from across the country and other South Asian countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh etc.

Horlicks Wizkids is South Asia's largest inter-school arts, literary and cultural fiesta involving hundreds of schools and thousands of students.
The winner of Horlicks Wizkids South Asia 2014 will earn scholarships worth Rs 1,00,000 and a five-day educational trip to Spain.
3. Abhyasa has once again achieved 100% results in the November 2013 IGCSE Examinations conducted by Cambridge University, United Kingdom. Out of 14 Students 5 students passed with A Star Distinction, 7 Students with Merit and 2 with Pass. Alvin Khangembam, student who hails from Manipur has topped the class with 5 A Stars & 2 A Grades - Equivalent to 94%
1) Abhyasa International School has been voted as the "Second Best Residential School in Andhra Pradesh" in an All India Survey conducted in 18 cities in July-August 2013, by C fore Market Research Agency, New Delhi. Abhyasa has been also ranked "14th Best Co-Educational Residential School in India" in the same survey sponsored by Educational World India Magazine, based at Bangalore.
2) Abhyasa has been rated as the Best ICSE School (No. 1) of Hyderabad for the last 3 years consecutively in surveys conducted by the Indian Express Group of Publications, Mumbai.

1) Abhyasites participate in the Harward Model United Nations International Conference held at Hyderabad.
2) Miss. Mridula Kore of class XII and Master D. Sai Ram of Class XI won the Best Speakers Award at the state level in the ICSE schools Frank Anthony memorial – All India inter school debate competition.
3) On the occasion of XI Conference of parties convention of Biological Diversity, held at Hyderabad in October 2012, Abhyasa students bagged 8 Medals in competitions related to environment and Bio Diversity.
1) Master Sree Mukh (Class X1) wins 2nd Prize at global level in the International Essay Writing competition conducted by World Wildlife Foundation, Malaysia.
2) 11 Heads of Public schools of Singapore visit Abhyasa to study our system of Schooling and Curriculum.
1) Director & Founder Principal is awarded with the Youth Icon in the field of Education by Passionate Foundation, Hyderabad, as one of 50 eminent personalities identified in Hyderabad for his quality contribution in the field of education.
2)Abhyasa initiates Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Project in the curriculum in association with Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust and Tata Consultancy Services.
3) Abhyasa participates in the International Festival of Bio- Technology at Lucknow.
4) Abhyasa introduces the international diploma programme in Business from ABE, UK.
5) Ms. Apoorva Ghale (Class XI) wins the Best C.E.O award at the workshop "Budding Entrepreneur" conducted by the India School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad.
Abhyasa hosts the Youth Assembly of India 2009 at Hyderabad to Celebrate Service. 10 youngsters across schools and colleges in India were honored for outstanding services and social entrepreneurship. Mr. N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, Current chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
2) Abhyasa goes international by introducing IGCSE stream of the University of Cambridge and joins the exclusive club of International Cambridge Schools.
3) Abhyasa wins the Young Bull Money Challenge for the Southern Region – Abhyasa is awarded as the Best school in offering education on Financial Literacy, by Young Bull Education Society, Mumbai..
4 Abhyasa sponsors RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards programme on the campus at Toopran.
1) Abhyasites attend the Global Young Leaders Conference held at USA and also attend the swearing –in ceremony of Barack Obama, the US President in January 2009.
2) Ms. Mamidoju Chaitanya visits NASA as part of her experiential learning from Abhyasa.
3) Abhyasa bags Silver Medal at the International Young Mathematicians Convention at Lucknow and the Junior Team succeeds to get a second place for the model being presented, "Hallucinogenic Highway".
1) Abhyasa gets the Youth Excellence Award for Service presented by the United Nations Youth Assembly at New York for the Rural Service Programmes at Toopran.
2) Abhyasites visit Paris as part of Educational Tour.
First batch of Abhyasa students participate in the Global Young Leaders Conference held at Washington DC and United Nations, New York.
Abhyasa in its pursuit of "Perfection through Practice" introduces Total Quality Management across all departments.

1) Director & Founder Principal is awarded the ‘Rashtriya Ekta Award' at New Delhi, for his outstanding services in National integration through Abhyasa school on the occasion of Rashtriya Ektha Diwas commemorating the birth anniversary of Late Prime Minister Sri Rajiv Gandhi.
2) Abhyasa has found a place among the top ten schools of Hyderabad and is adjudged the Eighth Best School of Hyderabad and also ranked the Fourth Best ICSE School in Hyderabad, as per the Indian Express Survey.
3) Abhyasa participates in the International Young Mathematics Convention at Lucknow – Junior Team wins Bronze medal out of 44 national teams & 30 International Teams.
1) Abhyasa commences Class XI and enters the exclusive club of ISC schools in India offering Sciences and Commerce streams.
2) Abhyasa was chosen by the Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Kanchipuram for its ‘Innovative & Creative techniques in classroom teaching' and presented a ‘National Award' and ‘Gold Medal' at the National Center for Research and Development in Education, Science and Technology, Mumbai.
Abhyasa has been adjudged the ‘Best performing school in Commercial Studies' – in the whole country, as per the ‘Aptitude and Achievement Test 2001' – conducted jointly by the institute of Psychological & Educational Measurement, Allahabad & The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.
Abhyasa hosts all India Inter School Frank Anthony Memorial Debate Competition.
1) Director and Founder Principal is awarded with the Millennium Award – Eminent Citizen by Lions Club, Hyderabad Region, for offering Global Quality Education at an affordable cost.
2) First batch of class X, 21 students appeared for the public exam conducted by the Council for ICSE. 100% pass percentage was achieved.
Abhyasa is affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.
Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi inspects Abhyasa.
The first issue of school magazine ‘Akshaya' was unveiled by eminent professor of mass communication-Prof. S. Bashiruddin.
Abhyasa's journey towards shaping the leaders for tomorrow commences with 36 students on 21.06.1996