School Updates
Science Fest-2016 (The Projects Fair)
Abhyasa is a place where children are encouraged to say "I see it, I get it and I can do it'. Children acquire skills and knowledge easily if we can make the surroundings stimulating and purposeful. In such surroundings when work and effort is valued, the child's self-esteem is heightened, and from this, results self motivation. Science Fest-2016(Projects Fair) held on 21st February 2016, provided an opportunity to the Abhyasites to exhibit their innovative ideas in field of Sciences. Science Fest-2016 has become a great success and added another feather in the cap of Abhyasa.
Here are the highlights of "Science Fest-2016"
Physics Department
The exhibition displayed two kinds of models. They are experimental and display. All of them are working models. A project in Physics was an attempt to showcase the projects made by the students from classes IV to VIII. -Motivation-
A variety of models were displayed by the students to encourage Eco friendly sources of energy. The highlight of the exhibition is "SIMPLE IS COMPLEX" presented by a student of X grade, Srinidh Jilla, read the tag line: Copy rights reserved, which has been a motivating factor for the students from IV to VIII. He explained the way of processing grains and seeds without using electricity but using the concepts 'lever and moment of force' All the students from IV to VIII contributed a project and they were displayed in the exhibition. About 35 models were appreciated by the parents and the visitors. Parents were at their marvel after entering Physics room and left with pride.
The Department of Biology
The students received great appreciations for their models displayed at the exhibition. Various models of human organ systems exhibited demonstrate the deep subject knowledge of the students in Biology. The students made working models on Circulatory system, excretory system, urinogenital system and nervous system, and energy resource.
They demonstrated various agricultural practices through their models. The students of IV and V made models on their science topics and demonstrated which won the hearts of parents.
The Department Of Chemistry
The students exhibited projects made to explain the electroplating technique which is useful in preventing the metals from rusting. Various projects made on chromatography, synthetic and natural fibers and diffusion. Experiments on the concepts of non-blasting balloons, rain harvesting and usage of cellulose nitrates were also made. A working model of periodic table drew the attention of many.
Ms.Mrunmayi of VIII A demonstrated Ruthorford's atomic model and filling up of the electron in different shells (KLMN). Many students undertook the projects on PH Values of various types of soils. A great number of students also demonstrated diffusion techniques practically. The centre of attraction in the chemistry projects is "Whether CPH4 (of Lucy movie) really function?" and the properties of CPH4 and its molecular structure.
The Department of Mathematics
Many exhilarating and useful exhibits were showcased such as the plain and solid figures, and the triangular method to measure the height of objects, and so on. The students of classes IV to VIII put up a brilliant display of their projects. All of them received positive feedback from the parents.
Inquisitive and curious puzzles tickled the brain cells of the viewers. The department of Mathematics was successful in holding the projects and spreading the awareness of mathematical puzzles.
Raspberry Pie (Robotics)
The exhibition of Raspberry Pie models were exhibited in an innovative way. A working model of elephant welcomed the parents and the visitors. A variety of models displayed drew the attention of the visitors. A smart reminder made by IX graders attracted a good number of visitors. It works on Raspberry Pi programmed by the programming language called 'Python'. It's got an IR sensor reminds us of our daily schedule and important tasks.
Another model that is helpful in reducing electricity consumption. This specific model understands our oral instructions received amazing appreciation from the parents. The other working model differentiates and identifies the colour scheme. A hydraulic ladder, home automation and many are the fine models displayed at the event.
Department of Social Studies
"History is a mending dialogue between past and present." Realising the importance of this statement, the social studies department conducted creative, imaginative and pensive project on 17th February.
We welcomed our parents with an exhibition of early man and their life. It was followed by the historic salt satyagraha spearheaded by Gandhiji. There was an exhibition of Bhakthi movment where our students dressed up as various bhakthi students, and we arranged the topic pastoralism to counter culture. The classroom of IX A was a visual treat. We arranged collection of coins, models of monuments, working models of solar system .,etc.
A group of IX Class students made a fair "Sammakka Sarakka" which personifies the culture of Telangana.
In geography, we presented ocean currents and natural vegetation in various parts of the world. The project conducted by social studies underlined the school motto "Learning by doing" or from Known to Unknown.
All the projects drew the attention of the parents and visitors and have received a great number of appreciations.