School Updates
Abhyasa is always ahead of others in encouraging its students to acquire knowledge by doing not by following the traditional and outdated methods of teaching. Project based learning is one of the modern methodologies that stimulates the students gain knowledge with great enthusiasm. The main motive of a Project oriented learning is for students to answer a question or task, not from a textbook but found out themselves by conducting a range of experiments and ongoing research or survey in the short amount of time allocated to them. There are many benefits for the students from project based learning. They are inspired to gain a deeper appreciation for the subject at hand, and develop an interest in diving into the subject and gaining an enhanced knowledge of the subject. Studies have suggested that students who learn in this way are better able to retain the information they learned in class, as opposed conventional methods of passive learning and note-taking. This information can carry them through to adulthood where they can apply their learning experiences to solve future problems. Students who partake in project based learning for classrooms often develop a greater ability to organize and research all subjects that they are enrolled in. Since they are learning collaboratively with a small number of their peers, they are able to develop their communication skills and effectively listen and pass information along to the group they work so closely with - a skill that is essential as an adult in the real world.
In view of all these advantages, Abhyasa firmly believes in Project Based Learning and assigns various projects to the students in each of their subjects. On 24th July, 2016 (Sunday) a project Fair was conducted in Anweshana Block (Science Block) to exhibit the projects of the students from class IV to XII prepared in June and July. The students have exhibited nearly 200 projects. While some of them are knowledge based, the others are application and experimental based ones. There are nearly 400 parents visited and appreciated the vision of Abhyasa. They opined that the critical thinking and problem solving skills only enable the students to be successful in life and they are happy for Abhyasa is creating platform for its students to excel in these aspects. They are very much happy with the way of explaining the projects to the visitors by the students. Some of the projects like Blood Double Circulation, Passage of Nerve impulse, Decolouration of teeth, Bristole Bot, Demonstrating principle of optical fibre, Alternator, Traffic light experiment, Hands on Fire, Magic with blood, Coloured flames, Chameleon Reactions, Storm Glass (Weather Predicting Device) Finger Printing Technique , The Chemical Garden and the elephant toothpaste won the appreciation of everyone won the appreciation of the parents and the visitors.