School Updates
Teacher's Workshop 2016
Great teachers help create great students. In fact, research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the most important school-related factor influencing student achievement, so it is important to pay close attention to train and support both the new and experienced teachers. Ongoing professional development keeps teachers up-to-date on new research on how children learn, emerging technology tools for the classroom, new curriculum resources, and more. Abhyasa is always ahead of others in training its inmates to enhance their potentiality in imparting quality education to the students. A six day workshop was conducted in Abhyasa for its teachers from 1st June 2016 to 7th June 2016 (Except Sunday).
A day wise report on Teacher's Workshop is given below:
Day - 1: Wednesday, 1st June 2016
The session started at 9:00 am in auditorium with the introduction of the new staff members who joined Abhyasa family. The workshop started with a Prayer by Mr. VLT Sharma, Assistant Librarian. Then Mr. Srinivasa Murthy, Principal gave welcome address. .The program began with the Valued and inspiring speech by Mr. Vinayaka Kalleetla, CEO & Founder Director of Abhyasa. He introduced the newly appointed COO, Sri. Sai Kumar and then explained the Vision and Mission of the school. To find the solutions to problems faced by Abhyasa, Staff voluntarily came forward to champion the six causes. Health, Hygiene and Water Management, Monitoring Specialization Classes, Quality Maintenance of Food, Prevention of Teasing and Bullying, Increasing English Speaking Proficiency, The educating everyone in Corridors, Campus and Community besides Classrooms. It was followed by the reflections of Sri Vinayaka Kalleetla.
The External Agencies associated with Abhyasa. (HeyMaths, School Cinema, Butterfly fields and Space Adhyaan briefed their activities with the PPTs.
Day - 2: Thursday, 2nd June 2016
Second day began with Faculty Development Program by Mr. Sai Kumar, COO. The most captivating part of his presentation was Pencil Parables. Teacher's participation in different activities like skit presentation, field games followed by Model Making. All the teachers participated in all the activities with the bubbling enthusiasm. The activities that were conducted on that day were really enhanced the confidence level and the team spirit of the members of Abhyasa family.
Day - 3: Friday, 3rd June 2016
The day started with the workshop conducted by Dr. Savitha, Professor in English from Geetam University. She conducted session on communicative English and class room activities. The main aim of the program was to integrate communicative activities in class room. She also insisted on constant feedback from students. She also conducted some activities strip story activity and self introductory. Teacher's participation in an activity where in topic and theme can be incorporated in teaching with an activity.
Day - 4: Saturday, 4th June 2016
The day began with Vidya Vahini on Lesson Plan and Activity based teaching. The resource persons Ms. Sai Leela briefed on the Project Vidya vahini, its vision and mission and how it has been empowering schools in rural area.
Ms. Lakshmi Gollapudi trainer from SSVV, Ms. Sudha, Assistant Co-ordinator and Mr. MRK Prasad, State Co-ordinator of Vidya Vahini came up with value based learning.
- They taught concept like ABC (Asset Bhanao Challenge)
- MKP ( Masthi ki prayogashalla )
- They also concentrated on the content generation like NMBCW ( no more boring class room walls )
- CCCC concept (Class room - Corridors - Campus - Community) being learning places.
- IIEP ( insightful, inspiring, enjoyable and participation )
- Value content - teaching techniques (silence sitting, quotation, storytelling, songs and role play).
We incorporated the main theme of session i.e. 7 jewels of lesson plan and harmony at 4 levels of existences: (Vyasti, Samasthi, Sristi and Paramesti)
Day - 5: Monday, 5th June 2016
The day started with the discussion of Aikyatha Fest and the Program was designed by Sri. Srinivasa Murthy, Principal, and Smt. P.L.N. Murthy, Academic Advisor. All the departments shared their views on the competitions and events conducted on that day.
Afternoon session was conducted by Mr. Srinivasa Murthy on the preparation of Year Plans and Lesson Plan and gave a presentation on the preparation of Lesson Plan. He emphasized on the need of active involvement of teachers on various points incorporated in lesson plan. Later he discussed on the Goals and its importance. He opined that goals should be progressive, application oriented and value based.
Day - 6: Tuesday, 6th June 2016
The day began with a presentation of result of 2015 -16 by the Principal complimented the teachers laid stress on areas of improvement. Subsequently, Mr. Vijay Kumar, Registrar briefed on Anusandhan, the ERP web portal of Abhyasa. Later some of the staff presented their goals. Afternoon the session was fruitful with the activity on awareness and knowledge, the Secret of Success by the COO.